Category Archives: Pink Floyd

If You Don’t Eat Your Meat You Can’t Have Any Pudding. How Can You Have Any Pudding If You Don’t Eat Your Meat?!

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Let me answer your compelling question Mr Waters with an equally compelling response – I can eat the pudding if I damn well please because there is no meat to eat!!!  And, if truth be told, Day 4 no meat is not going any better than Day 1. Sweets have replaced meat.  And I am surreptitiously falling into the carb-trap, soon to join the leagues of Oreo eaters (a vegan option btw) informally referred to as…Junk-food Vegetarians *gasp*. Yes, I’m afraid it’s true, this is what I’ve become. Ease and convenience, coupled with lack of knowledge has reduced me to this.

But I will not be discouraged.

And my ultimate goal of healthful and sustainable eating will not be derailed.  First rule of order is to stem my intake of empty carbs, the tank is low, and I seriously need to refuel. Thank God it’s the weekend: I can further ponder my meal options with some cured chorizo and well aged cheese.

  For this my friends, is the art of eating I know so well.